Focus on Your Feet with Ann Daxberger

As Pilates instructors, we hear requests to work on abs, arms, legs, back…but rarely feet. We spoke with Pilates instructor and foot specialist Ann Daxberger about why our feet are so important and how to keep them healthy.

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Ali Weeks
Pilates for Skiers

Pilates is an excellent form of cross-training and injury prevention for skiers. Check out our Pilates for Skiers at-home workout to stay strong and healthy on the slopes.

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Ali Weeks
Pilates for Teens

Pilates is great for people of all ages, including teens! Learn how Pilates Collective teachers Melissa May and Gretchen Cross are making Pilates approachable to our teen clients.

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Ali Weeks
What to look for in a Pilates studio

We’re all for taking time off and savoring a break from the norm, but we know that many of you rely on regular Pilates work to keep your body feeling great. If you’re wondering how you can maintain your Pilates regimen while you’re out of town (especially if you’ll be gone for several weeks), here are our 7 tips for finding a great studio while enjoying your summer break.

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Ali Weeks
Pilates Props to Take With you on Vacation

If you’re on vacation and find yourself without a Pilates studio, fret not: you can pack a Pilates studio in your suitcase! With a thera band, deflatable rubber ball, a mini foam roller, and some miracle balls you can get a full body workout wherever you go.

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Ali Weeks
Pilates on Vacation: Part 1 Travel Friendly Exercises

It’s officially summer, and that means vacation season! While we may be having major FOMO hearing about all the incredible destinations you’ll be visiting, we still want to help you keep your body feeling great. We compiled our top 10 travel-friendly exercises, perfect for doing at the beach, in the park, or wherever else you may roam.

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Ali Weeks
How To Make Your Workout A Habit

We all know those people who work out 6 days a week and make it seem effortless. Maybe at some point in our lives, we’ve even been those people! But for most of us mere mortals, we get in slumps where we can’t seem to find the motivation to work out regularly.

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Ali Weeks
5 Pilates Exercises to do At Home

One of our favorite things about Pilates is that you can do it literally anywhere. The machines and props are great, but the most foundational exercises can be done with nothing at all.

Next time you’re on the road or can’t get into the studio as soon as you’d like, try out our 5 exercises to give yourself a DIY Pilates tune-up.

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Ali Weeks